

Friday, June 10, 2011

Little Hurts

Be careful of the little hurts,
     the smallest of them all
can generate resentment,
     that will spread from wall to wall.
Think twice before you hack away
     at dignity and pride.
Remember it's the little things
     that churn around inside.
Don't harbor try-fulling grudges,
     they seem to have a sneaky way
of sprouting ten feet tall
     if they are lived with every day.
Don't under rate a brief caress
     a fleeting kiss or touch.
A gentle little touch that says;
     I love you very much.
For married life at first is like
     a field of virgin earth
and on each little seed you sow
     depends it's future worth.
So give it tender love and care
     and you will surely reap
a harvest full of memories
     to cherish and to keep.

Sue Holms

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