

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is Meagan, my youngest.  She is the only girl out of four, 12 years old and in the 7th grade.  She is smart, taking all pre-ap classes.  She is in the junior high advanced band and plays the flute.  She is an animal lover and has always said she was going to be a veterinarian when she grows up and I believe she will.  She has a puppy and his name is Andi and he, like Jack before him is her constant companion.  She takes good care of her pets giving them lots of love, food, baths and good training.  She recently got her first horse, Terra, whom she is learning how to ride.  She, like the rest of my kids is also very independently minded.  She makes friends but prefers to stay close to home most of the time.  I call her my 'little velcro' because she does everything with me which suits me just fine.

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