

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Meagan Goes To The Eye Doctor

     Today I took Meagan to her eye doctor appointment at which her pediatrician said she needed.  Meagan was also complaining last school year that she could not see the board as well as she should.  Sure enough, she's near sighted so she picked out her soon-to-be new frames.  She looks adorable in the style she chose and I was so proud of her as I watched her decide with such confidence (Unlike me who has major anxiety when faced with more than four or five choices and could spend hours stressing over whether I am making the right decision or not).  Her glasses should be ready in 7 to 10 days and she's quite excited about it.
     A thank you goes out to her father, my ex, for his amazing health insurance.  She has VSP through his plan and they paid for all but $35.00 of the exam and glasses.  Unfortunately I can't really tell him this because I have learned over the years that whenever I let my guard down he sees it as some sign of weakness and I always end up regretting it.  But I do feel like he deserves the pat on the back and I am thankful that he has a good job and insurance for the kids so I can at least say it here so Thanks Jeff!

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