Well, today was Travis' 18th birthday and we had a get together here this evening with his friends Shane and Josh and Josh's new girlfriend (don't remember her name) and of course, Jacob, Meagan and I. My friend Carl also came over and he gave Travis a $50.00 gift certificate to Gus' Restaurant in Texas City which was really nice. I gave him $75.00 to go shopping for new clothes with and he did a really good job and bought several nice shirts and a couple pairs of shorts which he really needed. He got the PC game Total War: Shogun 2 Limited Edition
from Jacob, Meagan and I. It's a game that Kyle got for his birthday on the 10th of this month and now he and Travis can play online together. Kyle and Dena came down and they gave him a Warhammer 40.000 book he had been asking for called Codex Imperial Guard
. That made him happy. I cooked Chicken & Dumplings along with cornbread for everyone and we had cake and ice cream and a cookie cake for Travis which he asked for. Good birthday all in all I think.
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