

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Parvo Scare

Okay so we panicked a little.  Andi had blood in his stools and we recognized the  hallmark smell immediately from when our little dog Coal got Parvo and died from it.  It was a horrible death and I never want to go through it again.  Meagan was crying and yelled for me when she saw it.  So, because it was Saturday there were no vets open and we had to take him to an emergency clinic.  They were very good and saw him right away.  He weighed in today at 6.7 lbs which is a 3 ounce gain from Friday when we weighed him.  Vet said he did not need to be checked for Parvo as he was not showing the typical signs of it.  Beginning signs of Parvo are:

1.  They stop eating and look depressed
2.  They start throwing up
3.  They start having severe diarrhea
4.  They have bloody diarrhea.

Not blood in formed brown stools and not first.  So that was a relief.  And, it took me $93.00 for peace of mind.  But, I don't regret it.

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