But almost done. Tired.
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- The Death of My Mother (1)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Still Moving
Meagan made it to school today.
S-t-i-l-l M-o-v-i-n-g..........
S-t-i-l-l M-o-v-i-n-g..........
Monday, September 19, 2011
Job Offers
Two new job offers today!
One from Christus St. John's Ambulatory Services
Another from Carol Young Facility.
One from Christus St. John's Ambulatory Services
Another from Carol Young Facility.
Meagan home from school today, runny nose and 103.7 temp! Tylenol brings it down though.
Everything sold
OMG, I just watched a moving van leave with practically everything I own in it. Good for me though, everything has sold except my bed and dresser. Clean start.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Moving, selling everything, what a pain. Oh well, that's one way to "declutter" I guess. Clean slate.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Bees In the Barn!
Last spring I noticed a swarm of bees gathered by the back corner of our barn. I noticed them because I was working in the pasture and could hear the swarming sound they were making and followed them in. Not knowing what to do I asked around the neighborhood and was instructed to call a bee hive removal service. After calling three local services I was told the average cost was about $200.00 to extract and/or kill the bees and that would not include the cost of repairing the barn wall once it was torn out. Well, I didn't have $200+ dollars so I continued to ask around about how I could do this myself. In the meantime I just kind of hoped they would 'go away' but, of course they did not. They continued to grow and grow and by mid summer I had a pretty good swarm going and they were becoming more and more aggressive as time went on. So I had to do something. Did not want to kill them, in fact I would have preferred to harvest the honey but what does one do? It was either me or the bees so....bees had to go.
First, with the help of my good friend Carl, we waited until night time, when the bees were quiet and settled in for the night and sprayed the opening of the hive, which was located between the wall of the barn, with Bengal roach spray
, something the feed store said was sure to kill them. It did, we didn't get stung and for the next two days, no more bee activity. Great! Seemed to have worked, that was easy!....NOT!
Couple of days later the bees were back and angry. I tried to do this same thing a couple more times with the same results. Further research told me that unless I tore the wall down and removed the hive, the bees would continue to return. Perfect, now I have to get up close and personal with a swarm of 20,000-50,000 bees. (According to the internet, once you see a swarm outside the wall that's approximately how big the hive is). And at this point there is actually honey dripping down the inside of the wall. I felt sorry for the bees but...
So, again with the help of Carl, we sprayed the nest down good one evening and when we couldn't hear any buzzing around in the wall, we proceeded to tear the wall down. I can't say I was very brave about all of this. Mostly I stood with one foot in and one foot out of the door and started to bolt for cover a couple of times while Carl courageously moved on in.
Once inside was this huge bee hive, dripping with honey. It was so cool to see it. Some of it was newer, golden and plump with little baby bees inside but some of it was old, dark and swarming with maggots! This part really stunk. We had to scrape the hive off of the wall and then hose everything down and dispose of the remnants. The following are some pictures of us removing the hive behind the wall:
First, with the help of my good friend Carl, we waited until night time, when the bees were quiet and settled in for the night and sprayed the opening of the hive, which was located between the wall of the barn, with Bengal roach spray
Couple of days later the bees were back and angry. I tried to do this same thing a couple more times with the same results. Further research told me that unless I tore the wall down and removed the hive, the bees would continue to return. Perfect, now I have to get up close and personal with a swarm of 20,000-50,000 bees. (According to the internet, once you see a swarm outside the wall that's approximately how big the hive is). And at this point there is actually honey dripping down the inside of the wall. I felt sorry for the bees but...
So, again with the help of Carl, we sprayed the nest down good one evening and when we couldn't hear any buzzing around in the wall, we proceeded to tear the wall down. I can't say I was very brave about all of this. Mostly I stood with one foot in and one foot out of the door and started to bolt for cover a couple of times while Carl courageously moved on in.
Once inside was this huge bee hive, dripping with honey. It was so cool to see it. Some of it was newer, golden and plump with little baby bees inside but some of it was old, dark and swarming with maggots! This part really stunk. We had to scrape the hive off of the wall and then hose everything down and dispose of the remnants. The following are some pictures of us removing the hive behind the wall:
Removing the wall |
Behind the top wall |
Removing the bottom half of the wall |
The total hive |
Up close view of the good part of the hive |
Inside the hive |
Even more inside |
Maggots inside the old part of the hive |
The old, nasty part of the hive after we've knocked it down |
It was a tough job but somebody had to do it! |
This all took place over the course of a couple of hot, sweaty days and nights but the deed was done and the bees are gone. I think they just moved across the pasture as I can see bees buzzzing around a bush out there so I may have to battle them again someday. I hope not. Either way it was an interesting adventure and I must say I learned quite a bit about bees and bee disposal. Just wish I could have learned more about collecting honey. It could be done but only with a bee suite and smoking them to calm them and you still don't want them in an area that you are going to be using. So, if you should ever have a pesky bee hive nearby and need some help in getting rid of it..........don't call me! I hope I don't have to do this again.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Our Bearded Dragon Lizards
and Lizzy (the female):
We have had them for about 7 years now, since they were babies. Both were bought from a pet store about 6 months apart. I had earlier pictures but they got lost when my computer crashed but this is them now in their home:
Lizzy & Beardie |
They were bought for the boys but I became attached to them when I almost killed (yes, killed) the female, Lizzy. That's why she looks so frail and skinny. She got out of her cage one day and because they are very social beings, she followed up behind me y and I didn't know it. I stepped back, bare footed and stepped right on top of her head and shoulders-hard! It made me fall down completely and when I turned to see what I had stepped on I saw Lizzy, leaning side ways and bleeding. How she survived I'll never know but when it looked like she wasn't going to die right away I picked her up and moved her to her cage expecting her to be dead soon. I know I punctured her lung because for a week only one side of her rib cage would expand when she breathed. I also damaged the entire right side of her neck and shoulders. She did not die. Somehow she made it but it took her weeks to mend and during those weeks she had to be fed with a syringe and not moved for fear of worsening the punctured lung. She never did regain 100 percent and she has always looked kind of peeked and frail since then but the experience bonded us in a way I would never have dreamed. She will actually paw at the side of the cage to be picked up when she sees me now.
This is a video we tried to take while she was laying her last clutch. You can't see her actually laying them but you can see the little cave like place she made to lay them in. Lizzy Laying Eggs
About a year after her 'near death' experience, she laid a clutch of eggs, much to everyone's surprise! I didn't know the signs and the next thing we knew she was popping out 15 little eggs in the cage! I was in no way prepared for this and after researching I discovered that they will continue to lay clutches of eggs about every 4-6 weeks for a period of time from one fertilization so I attempted to put together an incubator. This did not work very well however and over the course of the next few weeks she laid two more clutches and I was not able to bring any of them to full term. I am told it is very difficult to do even in the best of circumstances. But we did get a picture of one clutch:
These bearded dragons are interesting creatures. The males have an interesting head bobbing thing that they do to show dominance and during mating season and the females have an interesting arm waving thing that they do to show submission. The male can be very rough with the female at times and very protective at other times. They are social and tend to like to 'stack' on top of one another. The male doesn't like being fooled with as much as the female does and Lizzy likes baths where as Beardie does not. Here is a video of Lizzy playing in the water.
They eat fruits and vegetables and crickets and meal-worms among other things. They need a warm, dry location, about 78-88 degrees which is accomplished with a heat lamp and they need a UV lamp as well. It is a little difficult to learn at first but once you get it down and the initial set up going it's not too bad.
These bearded dragons are much better pets than say an iguana or a savanna monitor, both of which we have owned in the past. They are better because they just practically don't bite, they don't whip you with their tail or try to hurt you in any way and they actually do like to be held once they are used to it.. They inflate their 'beards' for protection which is where they get their name from. They are also active so they can be fun for entertainment.
Update 2012:
We lost lizzy. As I said, she never did recover from her injury well and while she lived another 6 years or so she was always frail. So she just started looking weaker and weaker and stopped eating and pooping and was really sick for about three days and then she died as we knew she was going to. So I guess we had her for about 10 years. I was sad to see her go. We buried her properly in the back yard. This leaves only Beardie now who is alone. It has been just the two of them for so long I wonder how he will do. R.I.P. Lizzy.
Update 2013:
Still have Beardie. He's still alone but doing OK. He is more sociable with us than he was before but he looks kind of lonely to me. I really don't want to get another one but I'd like to find him a companion as Beardies are social but physically he looks good.
Update 2012:
We lost lizzy. As I said, she never did recover from her injury well and while she lived another 6 years or so she was always frail. So she just started looking weaker and weaker and stopped eating and pooping and was really sick for about three days and then she died as we knew she was going to. So I guess we had her for about 10 years. I was sad to see her go. We buried her properly in the back yard. This leaves only Beardie now who is alone. It has been just the two of them for so long I wonder how he will do. R.I.P. Lizzy.
Update 2013:
Still have Beardie. He's still alone but doing OK. He is more sociable with us than he was before but he looks kind of lonely to me. I really don't want to get another one but I'd like to find him a companion as Beardies are social but physically he looks good.
This is Meagan, my youngest. She is the only girl out of four, 12 years old and in the 7th grade. She is smart, taking all pre-ap classes. She is in the junior high advanced band and plays the flute. She is an animal lover and has always said she was going to be a veterinarian when she grows up and I believe she will. She has a puppy and his name is Andi and he, like Jack before him is her constant companion. She takes good care of her pets giving them lots of love, food, baths and good training. She recently got her first horse, Terra, whom she is learning how to ride. She, like the rest of my kids is also very independently minded. She makes friends but prefers to stay close to home most of the time. I call her my 'little velcro' because she does everything with me which suits me just fine.
This is Jacob, my third child. His smile says it all doesn't it? He is pretty easy going most of the time, pleasant and helpful and doesn't let things get him down - as long as you feed him that is. When he's hungry he becomes grumpy and obstinate. it's about the only time. He is 16 years old and in the 10th grade and will be getting his driver's license soon. He, like the other two boys, is protective of his family and would walk through fire for them. He'd also give you, a complete stranger, the shirt off of his back if you asked for it. That's just the way he is. He played football for about 4 years. His last team went to the super bowl and won. He also plays the viola. He makes friends easily but is mostly independently minded and lives by his own code of ethics which are pretty good.
This is Travis, my second oldest. He came into the world in a hurry, 45 minutes from start to finish. I barely made it to the hospital in time. He is 18 years old now and taking college classes to become an EMT but his ultimate goal is to join the military. The marines in particular. He went a little off course awhile back when he was 14-16 years old and just about made me crazy but then he voluntarily joined a military academy called Texas Challenge Academy which was very tough but it helped him catch up and get back on track. He is very strong willed and when he sets his mind to something he stays the course. He got his first job when he was 17, worked every day and saved up enough money to get his first car with no help from anyone else which is how he wanted it. He likes his independence.
This is Dena. She is 22 years old, my son's fiance and my daughter-in-law. They met online about 7 years ago. She, living in Virginia and he in Texas. They were a perfect pair from the start and I am so glad to have her as a part of our family. She fits in so nicely. She works at PETCO. She is very artistic. She can design web pages, draw pictures and takes pictures as well. I tell her she needs to go pro with her camera. She is also a diabetic which we discovered when she was 19 years old when we found her unresponsive on the bathroom floor and she spent a week in ICU. She now takes insulin shots at least three times a day. She is smart, funny and has a most unusual smile. But don't let her blood sugar get too high because then she becomes a bear! It's one of the ways we know.
This is Kyle, my oldest. He's 28 years old now. Born July 10, 1983. He is funny, smart and mister protector of the family. I just dare anyone to cross any of us. They will have unleashed the wrath of Kyle! He is always there when I need him and very loyal to those he loves. While he doesn't like to be around a lot of people he tends to make friends for life and has had the same group of friends, some since birth. He is a whiz at working on computers and can fix problems that arise or he can build one from scratch for you if you need it. He works at a machine shop where they build all kinds of metal equipment using high powered machinery. He and his fiance Dena have been together for about 7 years now. They met online, she lived in Virginia at the time and they are a perfect match for each other.
Monday, August 29, 2011
So, Travis is all set to start school Tuesday evening. I think it will be exciting.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday night Aug. 28, 2011
Going out to the barn to feed the horses I discovered Bonnie looking sad and maybe stunned?, blood dripping and drying from a fresh head wound. Don't know what she did but it looks bad. Laid her forehead wide open. Really needs stitches but vets are closed this hour of night. Meagan and I attempted to clean it and take a better look at it but it only looked worse when we could really see it. Of course, she doesn't want anyone near it so doctoring her was difficult. Called my good friend Carl for some assistance and he was good enough to come out at eleven o'clock at night. He successfully cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and sprayed an antibiotic medication called Vetericyn
into it. This was not done without much resistance from Bonnie (I stood outside the stall while he wrestled her down ) and some damage to the barn wall that separates two stalls. But the task was done. Not enough I'm afraid as I think she needs more than we can give here. Tomorrow I will call Dr. Jenkins, our local veterinarian whom I have not met yet but I hear good things about him and have seen his clinic which is nice. Jeeze, she looks bad. Don't know how she did it but I think she was either running from Terra or running from these idiots doing target practice with guns next door, and banged her head on the top of the barn. Poor baby :( Warning, the following picture is a little gory.
Going out to the barn to feed the horses I discovered Bonnie looking sad and maybe stunned?, blood dripping and drying from a fresh head wound. Don't know what she did but it looks bad. Laid her forehead wide open. Really needs stitches but vets are closed this hour of night. Meagan and I attempted to clean it and take a better look at it but it only looked worse when we could really see it. Of course, she doesn't want anyone near it so doctoring her was difficult. Called my good friend Carl for some assistance and he was good enough to come out at eleven o'clock at night. He successfully cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and sprayed an antibiotic medication called Vetericyn
This is after we cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and sprayed an antibiotic ointment on it. |
UPDATE: Monday Morning Aug. 29, 2011
So, today Bonnie still looks just as pitiful as yesterday. I called Dr. Jenkins' office who said they could see her at 2:30 today. I don't have a trailer so I have to rely on someone else to help me get her there. Isn't there a deadline for sutures for horses like there are for people? Dr. Jenkins' said he could probably still suture her. I sure don't have the money for this. Then I decided to call Kris Anderson, the vet who came out to Bobby and Joellyn's place and did the coggins test on the horses. She has a mobile service. She also had me email her a picture of the injury. She said she'd be out here at 7:30PM. Hope that goes well. Waiting for 7:30.
Also, I did find out where she hit her head. It's a 2x4 that runs down the roof of the barn and is at the entrance to Terra's stall. She was probably running full force, scared of something knowing her, and hit it head on. I wouldn't be surprised if it knocked her down or knocked her out completely. Glad I didn't see that happen, I would have freaked out!
UPDATE: Monday evening Aug. 29, 2011
The vet came out as promised at 7:30 last night. It took about an hour and a half to treat her. She was heavily sedated. I thought she was going to fall over but she didn't although her head must weigh 50 pounds by itself as I noticed while trying to hold it up for her. Poor thing, she really did a good number on it. In the end, we couldn't stitch it completely as she had a good sized indention in the middle of it that needs to drain so we cleaned it up, removed the hair around it, sutured the edge and pulled the flap down over it leaving the bottom to drain. She also got several injections, two for sedation (one was not holding her), one antibiotic, one anti-inflammatory/pain med and a tetanus shot. Then the vet sprayed this silver stuff on top of it to keep the flies off of it and we braided the rest of her mane around it to keep her hair out of it. She was so drugged she could hardly walk back into her stall but she's all fixed up now. From here, we follow up with twice a day antibiotics orally and twice a day anti-inflammatory/pain med. We clean it if we can but I can assure you she's not letting anybody near it, probably for the rest of her life! This is what it looks like:
So, today Bonnie still looks just as pitiful as yesterday. I called Dr. Jenkins' office who said they could see her at 2:30 today. I don't have a trailer so I have to rely on someone else to help me get her there. Isn't there a deadline for sutures for horses like there are for people? Dr. Jenkins' said he could probably still suture her. I sure don't have the money for this. Then I decided to call Kris Anderson, the vet who came out to Bobby and Joellyn's place and did the coggins test on the horses. She has a mobile service. She also had me email her a picture of the injury. She said she'd be out here at 7:30PM. Hope that goes well. Waiting for 7:30.
Also, I did find out where she hit her head. It's a 2x4 that runs down the roof of the barn and is at the entrance to Terra's stall. She was probably running full force, scared of something knowing her, and hit it head on. I wouldn't be surprised if it knocked her down or knocked her out completely. Glad I didn't see that happen, I would have freaked out!
UPDATE: Monday evening Aug. 29, 2011
The vet came out as promised at 7:30 last night. It took about an hour and a half to treat her. She was heavily sedated. I thought she was going to fall over but she didn't although her head must weigh 50 pounds by itself as I noticed while trying to hold it up for her. Poor thing, she really did a good number on it. In the end, we couldn't stitch it completely as she had a good sized indention in the middle of it that needs to drain so we cleaned it up, removed the hair around it, sutured the edge and pulled the flap down over it leaving the bottom to drain. She also got several injections, two for sedation (one was not holding her), one antibiotic, one anti-inflammatory/pain med and a tetanus shot. Then the vet sprayed this silver stuff on top of it to keep the flies off of it and we braided the rest of her mane around it to keep her hair out of it. She was so drugged she could hardly walk back into her stall but she's all fixed up now. From here, we follow up with twice a day antibiotics orally and twice a day anti-inflammatory/pain med. We clean it if we can but I can assure you she's not letting anybody near it, probably for the rest of her life! This is what it looks like:
Me holding her head which, I found out, is quite heavy! |
Notice the stitches on the right side. |
Kris Anderson, DVM preparing to give her one of her many injections. Notice how Bonnie's legs are splayed out. She's barely standing here. |
Friday, August 26, 2011
One Thing or Another
Well, we got Dena's blood sugar under control,
and we got Kyle's tooth pulled,
and Meagan's ringworm has healed, (Oh yea, I forgot to tell you about that)
I'm still looking for a job (yikes!),
the kids all back in school again,
and, wouldn't you know it, Kyle dropped an 80 pound 'something' on his foot and broke it!
Something's in the air.
and we got Kyle's tooth pulled,
and Meagan's ringworm has healed, (Oh yea, I forgot to tell you about that)
I'm still looking for a job (yikes!),
the kids all back in school again,
and, wouldn't you know it, Kyle dropped an 80 pound 'something' on his foot and broke it!
Something's in the air.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Jacob decided on a name for the kitten. He will be called...ta ta ta da !!!! Cesear. (So be it)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Back To School
First day back to school today. Jacob in 10th grade and Meagan in 7th. All went well and it seems like it's going to be a good year.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Trickle Down My Ass
Dear Comcast,
You asked me to fill in a short survey on how the change over to Xfinity went. Well, I'll tell you, basically I feel that if I am spending over $150.00 a month to have cable TV I should not HAVE to go down and spend an hour in line at a store ( yes, I could have ordered it online-I think-but who knew which was going to be better to do until I'd already gotten half way through the process?) then bring the boxes home, set each one up myself, go online and activate them and hope it works (I still don't know if it has worked, waiting to find out but was directed to this site for a survey BEFORE the activation process is complete. I guess I could have waited the 20 minutes or more to see but I've got better things to do than sit here and wait). And yes, I know it's a bundle package and this price doesn't include internet or phone but since that's the high pressure sales tactics used to get you to have the bundle package in the first place and since it's almost impossible to have one without the other unless you want to pay even MORE a month and since you can't get any decent TV, even local channels without cable, I'm forced into that to begin with.
Have you ever seen the Ally bank comercials with people being given the run around by a salesman? "Even kids know...." That's what I think of all big money making companies (including Ally Bank I'm sure). What I wonder is how long before you guys increase our rates now that you've got us all set up and ready to go? Maybe 3 months? Don't want to hit us with too much at one time or we may all revolt right? I'm sure your employees are paid minimum wage or just slightly over and overworked (I noticed this while waiting in line for an hour) adding them to the list of the "working poor" in America. While the guys at the top are fattening their pockets with the money they make off of their backs. I guess that's the 'trickle down' effect? Funny, I ain't feelin the 'trickle'. But hey, it's the American way right? So........it's not like your doing anything the rest are not.
Well, you asked.......
PS. Sure enough, one of the TV's won't convert over to the remote supplied as it is an older TV. Too bad
for Meagan.
You asked me to fill in a short survey on how the change over to Xfinity went. Well, I'll tell you, basically I feel that if I am spending over $150.00 a month to have cable TV I should not HAVE to go down and spend an hour in line at a store ( yes, I could have ordered it online-I think-but who knew which was going to be better to do until I'd already gotten half way through the process?) then bring the boxes home, set each one up myself, go online and activate them and hope it works (I still don't know if it has worked, waiting to find out but was directed to this site for a survey BEFORE the activation process is complete. I guess I could have waited the 20 minutes or more to see but I've got better things to do than sit here and wait). And yes, I know it's a bundle package and this price doesn't include internet or phone but since that's the high pressure sales tactics used to get you to have the bundle package in the first place and since it's almost impossible to have one without the other unless you want to pay even MORE a month and since you can't get any decent TV, even local channels without cable, I'm forced into that to begin with.
Have you ever seen the Ally bank comercials with people being given the run around by a salesman? "Even kids know...." That's what I think of all big money making companies (including Ally Bank I'm sure). What I wonder is how long before you guys increase our rates now that you've got us all set up and ready to go? Maybe 3 months? Don't want to hit us with too much at one time or we may all revolt right? I'm sure your employees are paid minimum wage or just slightly over and overworked (I noticed this while waiting in line for an hour) adding them to the list of the "working poor" in America. While the guys at the top are fattening their pockets with the money they make off of their backs. I guess that's the 'trickle down' effect? Funny, I ain't feelin the 'trickle'. But hey, it's the American way right? So........it's not like your doing anything the rest are not.
Well, you asked.......
PS. Sure enough, one of the TV's won't convert over to the remote supplied as it is an older TV. Too bad
for Meagan.
Monday, August 15, 2011
So finally, Kyle got his tooth pulled. He ended up going to a local clinic who would do it cheaper and sooner than the other one and his dad helped them out with the money. Such a relief to have it out. They were really good, had him in and out in an hour. Still taking antibiotics and pain medicines but should be doing much better in a day or two.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
This is the second time to lunge Terra. I can't believe how well both she and Meagan are doing!
Kyle's tooth got so bad in the middle of the night he could not sleep and ended up coming here at 3:30AM. Vicodin not doing much and tooth looks bad. Went to Point Of Light Clinic (who charged us nothing). They gave him more pain meds and sent us to the dentist. Went to the dentist (Steven F Austin Clinic) who started him on a different antibiotic. Hoping to get it pulled soon. But they don't have the money needed.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Yep, Travis finished his first semester of college! He took 6 credit hours for summer II, 3 in psychology and 3 in Sociology. Now he's ready to enroll in the fall semester for his EMT class and he's excited. Go Travis!
48 hours of antibiotics and his pain medicine is barely holding him. Swelling no better either. He and Dena did not come down this weekend as they usually do due to a rough week for them. I guess we'll see how he's doing tomorrow afternoon which will have been 72 hours. He may have to go back before Friday's dentist appointment.
Dena Doing Better
Talked to Kyle today. Dena's blood sugar is better. She's cooking them a delicious dinner of beef tips in gravy and potatoes. I really love her and could not ask for a better daughter in law. She fits in so nicely.
It took a little work but I got the horses home today. Bobby and Joellen, the 'trainers' I hired didn't turn out to be very good trainers, or people for that matter. Oh well, live and learn. They said to be there at 12:00 today, I had to load, (great, they know I probably can't) but that they would drive them home since I don't have a trailer. But when I got there they were no where to be seen and when I called them they said no that they would not help move them at all. So, I put in a call to some people I thought could help and in the end Shannon and James from Dawson's Equestrian Center came and moved them for $40.00. This is also good because she is the one I wanted to train in the first place and this gave her a chance to evaluate them. She said that from watching them load and unload and seeing how they handle her impression is that both horses 'have some holes' and 'distrust' issues which is what I thought too. I don't think it will be a big deal to correct once we know better what we are doing. About an hour after we left Bobby's place I got a nasty text message from them. They actually called me a 'stupid idiot!' and said "Thank God you and your horses are gone". I started to reply something like "Um...see you in second period?" but decided just to leave it alone. People really do amaze me sometimes.
I do love these horses though and want to keep them. And on the real up side, maybe the $200.00 wasn't wasted after all since Meagan seems to have gained a lot of confidence with Terra and tonight when we went out to feed them (at home which is sooo much easier than driving across town to do it), she wanted to lunge her. In complete confidence she proceeded to do just that and both she and Terra were amazing! We worked for about 15 minutes and quit which was perfect. I think we can......I think we can.......I think.......
I need to video tape her the next time so you can see.
I have spent hours looking at youtube horse training videos and have learned so much. One guy in particular is really good. (I think I was supposed to marry this man but somehow that got missed...dang-it!) Anyway, I don't even know his name but he starts from the ground up and walks you right through a good training plan day by day and has some good information. He is with Second Chance Equine and he's a good one to learn from. I have seen these methods done in person and they really do work but seeing and doing are two different things. The first thing you have to have is 'horsesense' and comfort handling horses. I used to have this but it seems that as I get older I get more afraid of being hurt and don't have the same fearlessness I once had. Very skidish these days, must work through it. I refuse to get old!!!! Do not go gently into that good night! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!!! (Getting old(er) really really sucks. Well, maybe I will be able to live precariously through my amazing daughter. (Is that bad?) Why did I not stick with horsemanship since my youth? I have always loved it? Jumped track somewhere I guess.
I do love these horses though and want to keep them. And on the real up side, maybe the $200.00 wasn't wasted after all since Meagan seems to have gained a lot of confidence with Terra and tonight when we went out to feed them (at home which is sooo much easier than driving across town to do it), she wanted to lunge her. In complete confidence she proceeded to do just that and both she and Terra were amazing! We worked for about 15 minutes and quit which was perfect. I think we can......I think we can.......I think.......
I need to video tape her the next time so you can see.
I have spent hours looking at youtube horse training videos and have learned so much. One guy in particular is really good. (I think I was supposed to marry this man but somehow that got missed...dang-it!) Anyway, I don't even know his name but he starts from the ground up and walks you right through a good training plan day by day and has some good information. He is with Second Chance Equine and he's a good one to learn from. I have seen these methods done in person and they really do work but seeing and doing are two different things. The first thing you have to have is 'horsesense' and comfort handling horses. I used to have this but it seems that as I get older I get more afraid of being hurt and don't have the same fearlessness I once had. Very skidish these days, must work through it. I refuse to get old!!!! Do not go gently into that good night! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!!! (Getting old(er) really really sucks. Well, maybe I will be able to live precariously through my amazing daughter. (Is that bad?) Why did I not stick with horsemanship since my youth? I have always loved it? Jumped track somewhere I guess.
Thanks To My Friends
Thanks to my friends Carl and Shana for offering to help move my horses back home today. What would we do without kind people?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Not Going Well With The Trainers
Things finally came to ahead today with the 'horse trainers' I hired. When we went over to feed them this evening I noticed Bonnie's halter and lead rope in the hallway along with a whip. When I asked if they had had her out doing something with her today I was informed (through bits and pieces of information) that they had taken Bonnie, who has problems being tied, and tied her to a telephone post today. She panics when tied and has so far broken two lead ropes, a 4x4 post and the front of a stall wall when tied firm. She does OK if you put her on one of these training devices called an Aussie Tie Ring and it's not so harsh. It's much better that the old fashioned "tie em up and let em fight it out however long it takes" method. I specifically asked them not to do this and that is exactly what they did while I was gone of course. I was so mad, this horse is spooked of everything and I have been working with her to get her to calm down. Anyway, I told them I was mad, they got mad back and so now I need to move both horses ASAP but they don't want to help load. So I am looking for someone to help me go over and trailer them and bring them home. Wasted $200.00 for 'training' and we're in the same shape we were two weeks ago. Worse actually because I've moved them and now have to make trips twice a day to feed them. Will be glad to get them back home and hope to find a 'real' trainer. That's what I get for trying to go the cheap route.
Dena's Blood Sugar Out of Whack
Kyle and Dena have run out of money before they could meet all their needs and Dena ran out of insulin two days ago. She takes a lot normally to keep her managed and her being out is definitely not a good thing. Kyle called me from work today and said he was worried about her, that she had been upset and angry earlier, went home and now is not answering the phone. Sine she was found unresponsive on the bathroom floor when first diagnosed, and since she's been hospitalized since for out of control blood sugars, we tend to take this kind of thing rather seriously. I called, she didn't answer my calls either so I went to Wal Mart and bought her insulin, both 70/30 and Regular for $25.00 each. What she's really supposed to have is a Lantus insulin instead of the 70-30 which you cannot get without a prescription and which costs over a hundred dollars a vile. She didn't want me to bring it to her so I picked Kyle up from work and brought him to the apartment. I talked to him this evening and he her blood sugars are improving so that's good. Sometimes, if they get too high, you can not correct it at home and that means another hospital visit. I think something is seriously wrong with our health care system when a young girl who makes minimum wage, and no insurance company will cover her "pre-existing" condition, can not find affordable insulin to manage her blood sugars. But, who listens to me? And why do the American people not want universal healthcare?
Just started reading A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Dugard last night which was a mistake. It kept me up till 4AM. Very intense, that man was sick, sick, sick. Jaycee was the young girl that was abducted when she was 11 years old and held captive for 18 years. She was rescued in 2009 and reunited with her family. This is her story of what happened. It is turning out to be worse than I had imagined. Tough to read.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Kyle's Toothache
Kyle, my oldest, is having very bad tooth pain and swelling to his left cheek area. He went to The Point of Light Clinic and they gave him antibiotics (amoxicillin) and pain medicine (vicodin). He has an appointment set up for next Friday to be seen by a dentist. Bad timing for he and Dena as money is tight now for everyone and this mean extra money spent and time missed from work but what can you do?
I also got to go by his work and see what he does and where he goes every day. He works in a machine shop making all kinds of interesting metal things using high powered equipment that looks like it could be very dangerous. I like to see where my loved ones go be it work, school or whatever so I have a visual of where they are and what they are doing. This was especially true when they were younger. I also did the same for them when they were little. Took them to see where I worked at so they knew where I was rather than just 'out there' somewhere.
I also got to go by his work and see what he does and where he goes every day. He works in a machine shop making all kinds of interesting metal things using high powered equipment that looks like it could be very dangerous. I like to see where my loved ones go be it work, school or whatever so I have a visual of where they are and what they are doing. This was especially true when they were younger. I also did the same for them when they were little. Took them to see where I worked at so they knew where I was rather than just 'out there' somewhere.
Well, after taking Meg to the doctor last month and they discovered she had 'mild' scoliosis, I have become more concerned about her back pain which she complains of almost daily. Some sites suggest chiropractic therapy which I am considering. I have an appointment set up for her on the 15th. Will research in the meantime.
The Sky is Everywhere
is the story about a young high school girl who's only sister has died about a year ago. It was referred to me by my brother Ricky, like so many of the books I read. I don't think this book would resonate with everyone the way it did with us but because of the loss of our mother, both he and I really related to this girls feelings. I ended up highlighting several passages in the book that I remember feeling then or still feel now. For instance, when she, Lenny meets a boy she likes and is swept up in the excitement and happiness of the moment, talking with her friend about it and she has a sudden jolt of realization when she says; "but then all of a sudden the breath is kicked out of me and I'm shoved onto the cold hard concrete floor of my life now, because I remember I can't run home after school and tell Bails about a new boy in band. My sister dies over and over again, all day long." Man, I remember that feeling. I don't know how someone could write the emotions in this story unless they have felt that exact pain and loss. There were so many points when I was surprised by the things she says that hit home to me and I knew.
The book talks about her confusion about her feelings about two boys, one is her dead sister's boyfriend and one is a new boy in school who "will only ever know this new sisterless me." With the one, she is finds comfort and someone who can share her grief and the love of her sister and with the other, she is lifted out of her depression and into a place that doesn't include her grief and loss.
My niece read the book too and she didn't get it but again, I think you only could if you have experienced that kind of a loss so, probably a great book for those of us who know the feeling and a so-so book for those who don't. I liked it.
The book talks about her confusion about her feelings about two boys, one is her dead sister's boyfriend and one is a new boy in school who "will only ever know this new sisterless me." With the one, she is finds comfort and someone who can share her grief and the love of her sister and with the other, she is lifted out of her depression and into a place that doesn't include her grief and loss.
My niece read the book too and she didn't get it but again, I think you only could if you have experienced that kind of a loss so, probably a great book for those of us who know the feeling and a so-so book for those who don't. I liked it.
So today we've had our horses boarded for about two weeks and we are getting absolutely nowhere with them. It's not their fault really, it's just that we suck at being horse owners. When I say we I really mean me. I am too afraid to do anything with them and they know it. Yes, I know, I know, you have to let them know who's the boss (Alpha Mare), don't let them know your afraid of them and all of that but.... I can't. When Terra pins her ears back at me I run like a chicken. I can't help it. I'm afraid she's going to suddenly turn on me and try to kick me or run over me or something. I'm very irritated with myself about this but can't seem to change it. I was hoping that by boarding them with a trainer we would get help but unfortunately, in trying to save a dollar (as I must because I have no money) I ended up with a trainer who really isn't a trainer at all. At this point I want to just bring them home, be depressed for awhile about not riding them and hope I get a second wind. This getting older thing really sucks because 20 years ago I wouldn't have let horses bully me so but now I'm afraid of getting hurt or worse, my daughter getting hurt. If only I could find the courage I used to have. Oh well, can't turn back time.
So I told Bobby, the 'trainer' we wanted to bring them home and he's jumping through hoops to get us to stay there because he likes us and we help around the barn a lot. They've practically asked us to stay for free but I hate driving out to care for them twice a day when we could have them in our own back yard so I am insisting even though they say "You still have the rest of the month" etc. I'm teetering on seeing if I can trade them both in for one older, more tame guilding vs. paying someone else to train our horses and make them rideable. Feel like another failed endeavor of mine and another wasted $200.00. Maybe I'll feel better after my depression/new wind era. Wish us luck. I'm not giving up yet.
So I told Bobby, the 'trainer' we wanted to bring them home and he's jumping through hoops to get us to stay there because he likes us and we help around the barn a lot. They've practically asked us to stay for free but I hate driving out to care for them twice a day when we could have them in our own back yard so I am insisting even though they say "You still have the rest of the month" etc. I'm teetering on seeing if I can trade them both in for one older, more tame guilding vs. paying someone else to train our horses and make them rideable. Feel like another failed endeavor of mine and another wasted $200.00. Maybe I'll feel better after my depression/new wind era. Wish us luck. I'm not giving up yet.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Meagan Goes To The Eye Doctor
Today I took Meagan to her eye doctor appointment at which her pediatrician said she needed. Meagan was also complaining last school year that she could not see the board as well as she should. Sure enough, she's near sighted so she picked out her soon-to-be new frames. She looks adorable in the style she chose and I was so proud of her as I watched her decide with such confidence (Unlike me who has major anxiety when faced with more than four or five choices and could spend hours stressing over whether I am making the right decision or not). Her glasses should be ready in 7 to 10 days and she's quite excited about it.
A thank you goes out to her father, my ex, for his amazing health insurance. She has VSP through his plan and they paid for all but $35.00 of the exam and glasses. Unfortunately I can't really tell him this because I have learned over the years that whenever I let my guard down he sees it as some sign of weakness and I always end up regretting it. But I do feel like he deserves the pat on the back and I am thankful that he has a good job and insurance for the kids so I can at least say it here so Thanks Jeff!
A thank you goes out to her father, my ex, for his amazing health insurance. She has VSP through his plan and they paid for all but $35.00 of the exam and glasses. Unfortunately I can't really tell him this because I have learned over the years that whenever I let my guard down he sees it as some sign of weakness and I always end up regretting it. But I do feel like he deserves the pat on the back and I am thankful that he has a good job and insurance for the kids so I can at least say it here so Thanks Jeff!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Jacob has decided he wants the kitten to be his pet. Travis wanted him at first but gave that up easily enough when he remembered he'd have to clean up his poop. Jacob was OK with it though. We set up a litter box and bought him some food. He still needs a name.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The kitten has gotten more friendly and has let us hold and pet him today and he just purred away. I think we'll keep him.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
So, we came home from the family reunion to find a little bitty kitty cat hiding in the tall grass outside the back door. He's only a few weeks old and must have gotten separated from his mother. He's grey with white paws and scared. Travis said he's been there for the whole time we were gone, about three days and he runs away every time you get to close to him. We put some water and food out for him and he ate like he was starving but still won't come to us.
Monday, August 1, 2011
This years Scoville Family Reunion was held in Texas at Canyon Lake. We had a really good time. I am so glad we went. It was made better by the fact that Kyle and Dena came with us. I didn't know if they were coming until the last minute and was glad they decided to. Travis however, decided to stay home. He said he had some college homework to catch up on that needed to be turned in the following Monday. I'm not sure he would have enjoyed it that much anyways. So in the end, Me, Jacob, Meagan, Kyle and Dena went. We were going to leave Thursday afternoon but because we just moved our horses to a new place and I am not sure I trust that guy we decided to wait until Friday afternoon to give them another day to get settled.
The reunion started with the 11 kids born to George and Mary Scoville, who raised sheep, lived in Missouri, rode in covered wagons and were married in the 1870's.
The kids grew up, married and started their own lives but they wanted to start having family reunions. The first one was held in Missouri in 1935 and they have continued every since, always on the last weekend in July although they are now held in different places depending on who that years president is. They can be held anywhere from Texas to Utah to Hawaii, Indiana, Colorado or Missouri.
My connection is through my great grandmother, Grace Scoville who was one of the 11 kids;
![]() |
Bad Pic I know, but best I could do |
Lucky for me this years reunion was at Canyon Lake because it's only four hours away. Anyway, we all left the house at 2:30PM on a very hot Friday afternoon with the temps holding in the high 90's for weeks. Me, Jacob and Meagan in the van and Kyle and Dena in their car. The drive was uneventful. We listened to music and talked but mostly we listened to "The Shack"
We arrived at the cabins at 6:30PM. Kyle and Dena got there just ahead of us and already had us checked in.
Our particular section was towards the back called, appropriately The Outback:
As we pulled around the front of the pavillion we knew we were in the right place because of the 'welcome' sign out front:
We then made our way to our cabin, #22:
After we settled in we went over to the pavilion where everyone was gathered and eating. We were a little shy at first but were met with big hugs inside the pavilion so we started catching up with friends and family;
and had a big Texas style Briskit dinner:
Then we went outside and enjoyed a dip in the pool and visiting with relatives:
And then it's time for a good nights rest.
Saturday morning begins, as it does every year with a big breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bisquits and gravy, and bacon prepared by the men :
(Thanks Guys!)
Today we have some free time before the Saturday evening business meeting and dinner and there are several things locally to do, the hard part is deciding which ones to choose:
Most people have decided to go float down the local Guadalupe River at a popular spot called "The Rockin R":
which seems quite appealing to me considering how freakin hot it is.
But we decided we wanted to go to the Natural Bridge Caverns. We took way too many pictures inside the Caverns so I won't bore you with all of those but here are a few of our visit:
On our way! |
Arriving for Check In |
Tickets bought... |
Waiting in line... A long time.... In the 100 degrees heat...ugh... |
And now, a word from our tour guide... |
Descending into the Caverns... |
The Caver's Creed.... |
Pics from inside the Cavern... |
More... |
more.... |
more..... |
still more...... |
Just a little more.... |
Okay, that's enough. |
The caverns go down 180 feet. Contrary to what I had been told, they were not cold, it was kind of hot and stuffy. Not too bad but, enough to effect one of the members of our crew, our cousin, Molly. At almost the end of the tour she suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, became dizzy and light headed. Pale and sweaty and was unable to finish the tour. The tour guides...
had to come and bring her out on a golf cart. They then brought her into a small room and let her lay down. She continued to feel bad and we had been unable to get a hold of her mother who was floating the river that day. After about 30 minutes they decided to call EMS:
Who came with a stretcher:
They took her vital signs and decided she needed to go to the ER to be evaluated. BUT! before she got loaded completely she started feeling better....
About the same time as she was loading, her mother called back. She and I both agreed she didn't need to go to the hospital. But, the EMS people didn't feel the same. They had her and they wanted to keep her. Her mother had to put on heavy pressure before they'd let her go but, finally they did.
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