

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

 Clan of the Cave Bear

by Jean M Auel

This is a book first published in 1980 and later made into a film in 1986.  It is the first in the "Earth's Children" series.  I first read this book in my 20's, somewhere around the 1980's.  I've always remembered and enjoyed it so I decided to reread it recently and, true to my memory it's still good.  In fact, my daughter bought the entire 6 book series for me and I'm reading the fifth book now. 

It's the story of  Ayla and her life during the pre-historic ice age who, at the age of 5, finds herself separated from her family due to an earthquake.  Wondering around by herself and near death, she is found by a "clan" of Neanderthal's and saved.  She is raised by the medicine woman of the clan.

The story gives much history of pre-historic life, how they lived, cooked, communicated, used plants, herbs, medicine, weapons and their daily life.  It is somewhat controversial due to it's honest depiction of sexual behavior and the accepted 'norms' of the times.  

The author, Jean Auel has done a great deal of research into this time and place and how the people lived and gives a really interesting story using the little girl.  It is of a transitioning time between the Neanderthal's and "The Others".  The Neanderthal's are destined for extinction and "The Others" are destined to evolve and live on.

Would highly recommend.


 Road Trip To Colorado With Meagan, Rae and Bella

08-04-2022-Leaving home, headed for Colorado

1105-Left the house driving the van, gassed up in Sweetwater, TX.,
2000-Checked in to Executive Inn in Amarillo, TX., ate at Schlotzsky's,

08-05-2022-La Junta, CO

1030-Checked out, coffee on the way out, gas in Dumas, TX.
1430-Arrived in La Junta, checked in to KOA
To Walmart for supplies,
 Dinner in La Junta at Bamboo Panda, 
Stopped in at The Railyard in La Junta, the girls went in for one drink,
To Rocky Ford, The Dawg House, drinks and dancing till late,
Back to KOA, had cake for Meagan's birthday.

08-06-2022-La Junta, CO

AM  -Coffee at The Barista.
I went and looked at houses with realtor,
Dinner with Uncle Gail, Aunt Barbara and Jay at golf club "The Fairway"

08-07-2022-La Junta, CO

1030-Coffee with Gail, Barbara and Jay
1345-Bent's Old Forte

08-08-2022-Canon City, CO

Coffee with Jay (me) at Gail and Barbara's house.
11AM-Checked out of KOA, enroute to Canon City
Coffee with girls at Barista in La Junta
Arrived Canon City, stopped at city park "Centennial" 
Checked in to Motel 6
Dinner at El Capral Mexican Restaurant 

08-09-2022-Canon City, CO

Window shopped in town,
Centennial Park (city park),
Hike on Tunnel Trail, took Bella
Ate at Italian restaurant "Diritos"
Shopped at goodwill

08-10-2022-Canon City, CO.

Coffee at convenience store
1245-River Rafted with Rae
Laundry at local laundry mat,
Bunkhouse Burger for dinner
River walk

08-11-2022-Canon City, CO.

Centennial Park with Bella
To Royal Gorge, Bella stayed behind at hotel and did very well.
Drove over Skyline Drive
Ate @ Yummy Thai
Ice Cream at You Scream

08-12-2022-Creede, CO.

10am-Checked out of hotel enroute to Creede, CO.
Bought groceries ($283.90)
Shopped at Tomkins Hardware Store ($143.68) 
Coffee at The Fly
Checked in to Continental Ranch
Dinner (hot dogs) and fire
Walked around a creek out back

08-13-2022-Creede, CO.

Drove into Creede for supplies
Coffee on The Fly
0930am-Back to Tomkins Hardware ($217.00)
made coffee with new percolator
met a nice man also staying at the ranch who took us out to a lake nearby and let the girls drive one of his ATV's and showed us a hike we could take.  Saw some little critters and took pictures, skipped rocks, etc.
Walked to creek out back
Fire and dinner

08-14-2022-Creede, CO.

Eggs, toast and coffee for breakfast cooked on wood burning stove.
Drove out to North Clear Creek Falls
Dinner cooked on fire, potatoes, mac n cheese and beans

08-15-2022-Leaving Creede, headed home

0800-Left Ranch, checked out in town at the local veterinarian's office lol
Coffee on The Fly
Mailed postcards
Ate at Tony's Diner in Trinidad, CO
Checked in to Executive Inn in Amarillo, TX
Ate Domino's Pizza in hotel

08-16-2022-Arriving Home

Checked out of hotel
Coffee at Dutch Bros.
1645-Dinner at Morocco's Cafe in Eden, TX

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The years have lessoned the pain of loosing her (my mother) so much, thank God.  I don't cry very often anymore, or dream about her anymore.  But sometimes, out of the blue, for no particular reason, or maybe for some small thing that jogs some subconscious thing in me, her memory comes to me. And the full scale of the loss, to all of us and each of us; her kids and grandkids, comes whooshing in on me in such a rush that it stops me in my tracks.  I have to find a place to hide while the tears come to my eyes and wait for the feeling to pass.  The sadness is so very great. 
I cannot dwell on this loss and sadness.  That would be so dangerous.  I would become so depressed.  And I cannot be.  I owe that to her and to me and to my siblings and to my children.  So I hold it for a minute or 10 and then let it go.  But for that few minutes it is so, so, so very sad that we lost so much when we lost her.  Some of us are aware of what we lost and some of us have no idea.  But I see how different their lives would have been had we had her all this time.  So sad.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


jacob is my third child.  He played football for 4 years and the Viola for 3.  He's happy, agreeable and basically easy going as long as you feed him.   

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My First Garden

So, in March of this year I started my first ever vegetable garden.  I've been thinking about doing this for several years but just never new how to start so this year I decided to jump right in.  I did alot of research on gardening and in the end I decided to use Mel Bartholomew Square Foot Gardening method.  I've never been very good at keeping things growing so we shall see how it turns out.  I suppose one of two things will happen; either I will find out I love gardening and continue to do it or I'll find out I hate it and it's way too much work and this will be my last one.

The reason I want to grow a vegetable garden is because I really really don't like the quality of food from the grocery stores.  Everything is bland and 'fake' by the time we buy it and I'm sure the nutritional value is at least half of what it's supposed to be.  On the other hand it is also very convenient and since we live in a very busy world it's hard not to just go to the store and buy those apples or carrots.  Probably cheaper too.

So, here is how my garden has progressed:

March 15, 2015

I bought these 4x4 square foot raised garden frames from Home Depot.
They slid together nicely so anyone can do it.
Supposedly a 4x4 raised garden can feed an individual for a year so technically I should have 4 beds, one for each person.  However, since I've never done this before and don't know how it will turn out or if I will like it I decided to start smaller.  

Then I put down a weed barrier which I also bought from Home Depot.

Then I filled each box with Mel's Special Gardening Soil.
It took 6 bags for each box.  This was probably the hardest and most expensive part of getting started because no one sells this soil.  You can order it online from Home Depot but their delivery charge was ridiculous.  The bags cost about $7.00 each ($85.00 total) but the delivery charge was $95.00 which was more than the product itself and that was after I talked them down!  So it ended up costing about $178.00...BUT! the thing about this type of gardening is you don't have to keep adding soil.  Once it's in you just add a scoop or two of compost (I started a compost pile) into just that square whenever you pull up the old and plant something new.  No need to start all over ...supposedly.  We'll see.

The next step is to section the garden off in 1x1 square foot portions.  Mel is insistent this should be done with wooden slats but I had a hard time finding the slats I needed.  Twice I bought what I thought would work and twice they ended up falling just a bit short of the length I needed and on the second time I got frustrated and gave up and used string instead.  Lots of people do this, he just likes it because it makes it look more like an official square foot garden but either way works.

March 15, 2015

Then I watered it down.  This I had to do in layers according to Mel.  Add 1/3 soil then water three times.  Next I began putting the seed in.  These I bought at Walmart, whatever was cheapest.  I planted a bunch of stuff like radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, marigold, onions, peppers, green beans, etc.  I tried to only plant stuff we actually eat.  Those little posts sticking up are labels I made from the left over wood I bought to section the beds off that didn't work.

I did run into some trouble though, my cat decided this was a great litter box.  After yelling at hime and running him off a couple of times he got the message and I haven't seen him in it again.  (He's such a good cat).  I hope he didn't ruin anything permanently.  And my new puppy thought this looked like a great play/dig area.  Same thing with her and so far she's doing good and staying out of it.  Wish me luck with that!

So here is my garden after one month:

April 13, 2015
You'll notice on the left I bought poles (from walmart) for the green beans and on the right, a tomato cage (also from walmart).

As a side note; I really don't like Walmart since the original owner died and his family took it over.  (See the documentary The High Cost of Low Prices)  They just aren't very ethical but, times are tough, I'm a single mom and I've gotta do what I've gotta do.  Plus, since Walmart has pretty much closed everyone else down, our options are more and more limited.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Orange is the New Black

I watched the first episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix and much to my surprise I really liked it.  Even though it has some very graphic scenes and some controversial topics I found it funny and interesting and couldn't wait to see the next episode.  I ended up watching the whole season 1 and 2.

This is actually a true story (I love true stories) told by a woman named Piper Kerman, an upper middle class woman sentenced to 15 months in a minimum security prison.  Her character is played by Taylor Schilling and based off the book she wrote about her experience there called Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison.

I worked in the county jail for 3 years and trust me, this show wasn't far off!
I also once went on a Bill Glass Prison Ministry where I spent a weekend visiting a women's prison.  We were allowed back into the actual dorms and cafeteria where the women lived, a thing even their families weren't allowed to do.  I talked with women who were sentenced to between 5 and 15 years.  Some of them had experienced things like their mother dying while they were in prison and missing their funerals or children getting sick and being admitted to ICU's and they weren't able to see them.  It was very sad and eye opening for me.  This is not to say I think they should be released or anything.  My time at the county jail convinced me that most people incarcerated are there for a good reason.

I would recommend watching this show but it certainly is not for everyone.  There is a lot of lesbian scenes and harsh talk in it so if your too prudish you won't like it.  As for me....can't wait for season 3 this summer!

My Workouts

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Okay so, what happened to my blog?  All my pictures went MIA!  This really sucks.  Don't know if it's something I did or google did but WTH?  I have tried to fix it but no luck so far.  Re-adding pics as I can but it's like what?  Two years worth?  Thought about starting over with a new blog since this was my first one and I've learned alot since I started blogging but I hate to loose the history.  Oh well, I'm really the only one who sees it anyways so I'm going to stick with it for now.  I like that others doing see the blog, except for maybe some random people once in a while that run across it and I don't know them so I'm beginning to feel more comfortable with just being me.  I could give it to friends and family but then I would probably sensor it more so for now I'm keeping it to myself and the other "unknowns" out there in the world.  I like it that way.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I have recently been trying to get back into shape and have started doing yoga again.
I found this really good workout on YouTube and have been doing it.  It's called Ashtanga Yoga - The Practice - First Series by David Swenson.

This is another good video I found and will be alternating it with the others.  It's called Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Practice Full - Nicki Doane

I am also using one of my oldies but goodies: Denise Austin Fat Blasting Yoga

Denise says on her video that if you do her workout at least 3 times a week that in 21 days you will see a difference.  And I've read that it takes 21 days to form a new habit I go!

Beginning Measurements:
Weight: 140 lbs.
Neck: 13"
Bust: 40"
Waist: 36"
Hips: 39"
(L) arm: 10.5"  (R) arm: 10.75"
(L) thigh 21"   (R) thigh 21.5"
(L) calf 13.5"  (R) calf 14"

After 30 days:
hips down 1" to 38
(L) arm up .5 " to 11
(R) arm up .25" to 11
(R) thigh down .5" to 21
(L) calf down .5" to 13
(R) calf down .5" to 13 (Odd, I thought the calf's would have gotten bigger)
It seems I'm evening up right and left sides haha.

Day 1:
Thursday 11/28/2013
Workout # 1
30 minutes Astanga Yoga with Nicki Doane

Day 2:
Friday 11/29/2013
Workout #2
30 minutes Ashtanga Yoga with Nicki Doane

Day 3:
Saturday 11/30/2013
Workout #3
1 hour Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 4:
Sunday 12/01/2013

Day 5:
Monday 12/02/2013
Workout #4
1 hour Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 6:
Tuesday 12/03/2013
Workout #5
40 min. Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 7:
Wednesday 12/04/2013

Day 8:
Thursday 12/05/2013

Day 9:
Friday 12/06/2013
Workout #6
30 minutes Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 10:
Saturday 12/07/2013
Workout #7
30 minutes Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 11:
Sunday 12/08/2013

Day 12:
Monday 12/09/2013
Workout #8
1 hour Ashtanga Yoga with Nicki Doane

Day 13:
Tuesday 12/10/2013
Workout #9 
1 hour Ashtanga Yoga with Nicki Doane

Day 14
Wednesday 12/11/2013
Workout #10
45 minutes Fatblasting Yoga with Denise Austin

At the end of the second week I certainly don't feel that I've formed a new habit yet as I still have to make myself do this everyday and have come perilously close to becoming lazy and letting two days turn into three, etc. so I must still stay disciplined.  What I do when I start getting lazy is something I heard in one of David Swenson's talks.  He says if you don't want to do it that day start with baby steps ie:  i can stand on the mat, and that is what I've been doing and it seems to be working to keep me doing it.
     I do feel much better.  I'm proud of myself for coming this far and not quiting.  I feel more flexible.  I'm less tired during the day and am starting to have more energy.
     As far as physical changes I don't really see any although sometimes I just feel longer and leaner and like my waist is curvier.  I'm a little bit sore especially in my arms but not too bad and that only encourages me as I feel like my workouts are actually doing something.
     I am also ending the workouts with a few minutes meditation time which I have come to love and crave.
     So, it's early but I'm encouraged and will continue.  Onward........

Day 15
Thursday 12/12/2013
Workout #11
30 min. mixed
Not a good workout today as my power suddenly went out in the middle of the video and then it wouldn't reload properly so I had to move to another one in the middle of the workout.

Day 16
Friday 12/13/2013
Workout #12
1 hr Ashtanga Yoga with David Swenson

Day 17
Saturday 12/14/2013

Day 18
Sunday 12/15/2013
Workout #13
1 hr Ashtanga Yoga with Nicki Doane

Day 19
Monday 12/16/2013

Day 20
Tuesday 12/17/2013

Day 21
Wednesday 12/18/2013
Workout #14
1 hr Yoga with Denise Austin

Day 22
Thursday 12/19/2013

Day 23
Friday 12/20/2013
Workout #15
1 hr Yoga with Denise Austin

Day 24
Saturday 12/21/2013
Workout #16
1 hr Yoga with Dense Austin

Day 25
Sunday 12/22/2013

Day 26
Monday 12/23/2013

Day 27
Tuesday 12/24/2013

Day 28
Wednesday 12/25/2013

Day 29
Thursday 12/26/2013

Day 30
Friday 12/27/2013

At the end of 30 days:  Sort of fell off the last week (It was Christmas Week after all).  But I'm not quitting.  I definitely feel better, stronger, leaner, prettier.  But it's mostly a change only I see and feel at this time.  I am favoring doing Denise Austin's workout above the others as it is just a more intense workout and I feel like I'm getting "more bang for my buck" so-to-speak.  Lets see: measurements:  hmmmmm

hips down 1" to 38
(L) arm up .5 " to 11
(R) arm up .25" to 11
(R) thigh down .5" to 21
(L) calf down .5" to 13
(R) calf down .5" to 13 (Odd, I thought the calf's would have gotten bigger)
It seems I'm evening up right and left sides haha.

Well, small changes but I kind of think the next 30 days will see a bigger change.  The first 30 days seems to be more getting conditioned enough just to 'do' the exercises and becoming disciplined.  Now I feel stronger and my workouts feel more focused.  OK, next 30 days,her I come!  I am going to start my workout count over and my plan is to get in at least 12 workouts in in the next 30 days!

Day 31
Saturday 12/28/2013

Day 32
Sunday 12/29/2013
Workout #1
1 hr Yoga with Denise Austin

Friday, November 8, 2013


Well, I decided that I needed a separate blog for my "God stuff".  I was intermingling it with this blog but found it needed it's own life so I gave it one.  It's my "God Spot"  So I moved all that kind of stuff ie; my bible readings and studies, maps, etc. over to my new blog.  It's called BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  You can click on this highlight and move over to it if you like.


American History X has got to be one of the biggest sleeper movies of all times.  I first watched this movie several years ago because my brother told me it was a great movie.  How I missed it before that I'll never know and how so many other people have never heard of it or seen it is a mystery to me.  This would definitely be one of my top 10 movies to see.  No, top 5!  This movie, starring Edward Norton is intense, hard core and very deep.  It does an incredible job of depicting hate in it's various forms and how it destroys people.  It also does an incredible job of showing how a family is torn apart and changed after the death of the father.  A family that goes from being a mom, dad and kids living in a nice house living a nice, normal life to being a family that is poor, the kids spiraling out of control and barely limping along.  Edward Norton is an amazing actor here showing many faces in this movie and doing each one great.  He is a young teen, listening to his father at the dinner table, a whit supremacist filled with hate and violence, an inmate, a young man trying to get his family back together and on their feet and save his little brother and a grief stricken man.  He goes from bad guy to good guy and does both so well.


 My mother died when I was 17 yrs old.  She was 35.  She was killed in a car accident.  She fell asleep driving one night and ran into the back of an 18 wheeler and was killed instantly.   That night she had a special job she was doing.  She had been picked as the hostess from her Steak and Ale to go to a job in Houston to represent her Steak and Ale from the Clear Lake area. So, she got off late and was tired and that's how she ended up dying in a car accident.  At home there were 5 kids asleep.  I was the oldest and that night I left a note for her on the kitchen table asking her to wake me up when she got home and let me know she got home safely.  She never did.

The death of my mother has been the most profound event in my life.  It is a story that is inside me and that I need to tell.  It is the story of five kid's struggle to cope with loss, heartache and tragedy.  It is the story of how, in an instant, unexpected events can change everything you know to be true and good and right and how your whole world can be turned upside down, changing everything about who you are or ever were going to be.  It is my story as seen through my eyes.  Whether it is interesting to anyone else or not I do not know but I have begun putting my story in words on another blog entitled "There Were Five of Us".  You can click on that link and see it if you like.  I am writing it in memory of my mother and father, both now deceased, and in honoring my brothers and sisters who have traveled this journey too in their own ways.  I love you all.

All the Holms' June 1973
Back Row: Reisa, Sue, Dean, Richard
.  Front Row: Jill, Debbie, Richy,

Thursday, April 25, 2013


So, lots has changed since I last blogged.  I moved to a new house, same city, kids stayed in same school.  Moved the horses to a new place which I really like. I got a new job.  Got promoted!  Became the Director of Nurses at the County Jail.  It has been a lot of work and lot to learn but I am really enjoying it.  My truck broke down and I put it in the shop.  I get it out tomorrow for a small (ha ha) fee of $1,318.00 (ugh).  Oh well, the good thing is it will be running better and safer and it won't make that embarrassing squeaking noise with every bump.  Hope to post more often.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I Am....

I am an artist.
Some see their life in number.
Some see their life in diction.
But I?  I see the world in colors.
I see smooth, open plains,
ready to be molded with light.
I am a leopard moving fluidly,
through tall, shining grass
to shape a world of meaning.
I'm one hundred shades of light
that change with my scene.
I am a creator of silent wind,
of motionless water,
of frozen time.
But to me it all moves,
because an artist.

I am an actor.
To mold my deepest emotions is my field.
My field of colorful flowers I mold to my my liking.
I am a conformist to the person I am told to be
on a bright, open stage.
I become a different being in the spotlight.
I amplify the smallest emotions
to create a new person.
To others, that's all it act.
But to me,
it's an art.

I am a musician.
I am a musician who finds herself when she's lost.
Who finds herself by getting lost.
I know how to lose myself
in the rushing waters of my sound.
I am a builder of walls around my soul
just to tear them down
with fluid, unforgiving music.
I am a musician who breaths in the water
when I find myself drowning.
I find myself when I am lost.
I find myself by getting lost.
I am a musician.

I am a searcher.
I search through the movement of
one hundred sounds in one.
I search through the changes in my soul
to be another.
I search through ten-thousand colors together
to make a moment.
I'll search for solace in a world
where peace is underrated,
options are limited,
and too many are dejected.
Where the road to understanding
is broken, long and lonely.
But still I search because I
am a searcher,
of serenity,
of peace,
of understanding,
of balance.

But I am most of
I am still searching for myself
in the ice of the stars,
in the rush of the wind,
in the crash of the waves.
Through art, music, acting, and life,
I am searching for me.

Meagan Johnson
13 years old
December 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012


Years ago, if you had a heart attack it was very likely you would not recover.  However, with advancement of modern medicine, people are now surviving heart attacks and going on to live long, productive lives.  Today we are better educated about what to watch out for and what to do if we think someone is having a heart attack.  If you know the warning signs of a heart attack and act promptly you will have a greater chance of surviving a heart attack or assisting someone else who might be having a heart attack.    Some warning signs of a heart attack are textbook and include chest pain described as "tightness" or "heaviness".  People will often report feeling like an elephant is sitting on their chest.  They may also report that the pain radiates down their arm or up into their jaw.  Another classic symptom is nausea and or vomiting.  Many people will break out in a cold, drenching sweat and most will complain of shortness of breath.  While these are textbook signs of a heart attack, not all people have textbook heart attacks.  Often, the signs are more subtle and slow and some people will have no pain at all.  This is particularly true of diabetics.  The important thing to remember if you suspect you might be having a heart attack is that "Time is Muscle".  The heart is a muscle and therefore needs oxygen in order to survive just like any other part of your body.  If you were to put a tourniquet around your arm you would deprive that arm of oxygen and blood supply you would begin to experience pain and if left on long enough your arm would eventually fall off.  The same is true of the heart.  If a part of the heart muscle is not receiving adequate blood supply you will begin to experience pain, a warning sign that something is wrong.  If blood supply is not restored soon, that part of the heart muscle will eventually die and it cannot be restored which means you would be left with only part of your heart's ability to contract or pump as before.  This is why seeking prompt medical attention is so important.  The sooner you get to the hospital, the sooner the medical staff is able to remove the blockage and restore blood supply to that portion of the heart, thus saving you heart muscle for later use.  So, while it may be scary to think you are having a heart attack, if you know the warning signs to look for and you seek prompt medical attention you may be saving yourself precious heart muscle for later use and a longer life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dear Blog, I miss you.

Haven't posted in so long I thought I might be done but....I miss blogging!  So, we got moved, over to my friend Lori's house.  We stayed with her and her husband Herbert October, November and December.  Then, in January we moved a three bedroom two bath trailer onto land behind their house.  We have been working very hard on getting electricity, water, sewage, etc.  We are building a fence around it now.  Of course, as soon as we moved the trailer in it started raining frequently so things have been muddy.  Well, at least the drought is over.  The kids really like our new 'homestead' and our horses seem to be quite happy there as well.  Our view is great, we can see our horses out of the kitchen window every day.

So, update on very one:

I got a new job finally, working with the Galveston County Jail in the medical department.

Kyle changed jobs and is now working as a waiter at Olive Garden in Bay Area.

Dean still works for Petco.  She got put on her parent's insurance so she can finally start getting better care for her diabetes. yea!

Travis is taking college courses to become an EMT.  Surprisingly he really seems to enjoy the medical field...who knew?

Jacob is taking Drivers Ed.  it's so much easier with him than with Travis and I'm happy I don't have to worry about having a heart attack before it's all over with.

Meagan is getting into a new fashion trend, 'Scene' which I think is really quite cute.  Got the clothes, the make up and the hair cut.   Hey, may as well have fun while you can right?

Terra and Bonnie are fine, happy but not ridden much.  This will probably change along with the time change
The Bearded Dragons are still with us.  Lizzy, the female looks so old and frail I don't know how much longer she will last but so far so good.

Andi is still with us but that's not necessarily a good thing.  He's just so...irritating!

Anyways, just an update.  Back soon I hope!

Good bye blog :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Still Moving

Meagan made it to school today.
S-t-i-l-l       M-o-v-i-n-g..........

Monday, September 19, 2011

Job Offers

Two new job offers today!
One from Christus St. John's Ambulatory Services
Another from Carol Young Facility.


Meagan home from school today, runny nose and 103.7 temp!  Tylenol brings it down though.

Everything sold

OMG, I just watched a moving van leave with practically everything I own in it.  Good for me though, everything has sold except my bed and dresser.  Clean start.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Moving, selling everything, what a pain.  Oh well, that's one way to "declutter" I guess.  Clean slate.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bees In the Barn!

Last spring I noticed a swarm of bees gathered by the back corner of our barn.  I noticed them because I was working in the pasture and could hear the swarming sound they were making and followed them in.  Not knowing what to do I asked around the neighborhood and was instructed to call a bee hive removal service.  After calling three local services I was told the average cost was about $200.00 to extract and/or kill the bees and that would not include the cost of repairing the barn wall once it was torn out.  Well, I didn't have $200+ dollars so I continued to ask around about how I could do this myself.  In the meantime I just kind of hoped they would 'go away' but, of course they did not.  They continued to grow and grow and by mid summer I had a pretty good swarm going and they were becoming more and more aggressive as time went on.  So I had to do something.  Did not want to kill them, in fact I would have preferred to harvest the honey but what does one do?  It was either me or the bees so....bees had to go.

First, with the help of my good friend Carl, we waited until night time, when the bees were quiet and settled in for the night and sprayed the opening of the hive, which was located between the wall of the barn, with Bengal roach spray, something the feed store said was sure to kill them.  It did, we didn't get stung and for the next two days, no more bee activity.  Great!  Seemed to have worked, that was easy!....NOT!

Couple of days later the bees were back and angry.  I tried to do this same thing a couple more times with the same results.  Further research told me that unless I tore the wall down and removed the hive, the bees would continue to return.  Perfect, now I have to get up close and personal with a swarm of  20,000-50,000 bees.  (According to the internet, once you see a swarm outside the wall that's approximately how big the hive is).  And at this point there is actually honey dripping down the inside of the wall.  I felt sorry for the bees but...

So, again with the help of Carl, we sprayed the nest down good one evening and when we couldn't hear any buzzing around in the wall, we proceeded to tear the wall down.  I can't say I was very brave about all of this.  Mostly I stood with one foot in and one foot out of the door and started to bolt for cover a couple of times while Carl courageously moved on in.

Once inside was this huge bee hive, dripping with honey.  It was so cool to see it.  Some of it was newer, golden and plump with little baby bees inside but some of it was old, dark and swarming with maggots!  This part really stunk.  We had to scrape the hive off of the wall and then hose everything down and dispose of the remnants.   The following are some pictures of us removing the hive behind the wall:

Removing the wall

Behind the top wall

Removing the bottom half of the wall

The total hive

Up close view of the good part of the hive

Inside the hive

Even more inside

Maggots inside the old part of the hive

The old, nasty part of the hive after we've knocked it down

It was a tough job but somebody had to do it!

 This all took place over the course of a couple of hot, sweaty days and nights but the deed was done and the bees are gone.  I think they just moved across the pasture as I can see bees buzzzing around a bush out there so I may have to battle them again someday.  I hope not.  Either way it was an interesting adventure and I must say I learned quite a bit about bees and bee disposal.  Just wish I could have learned more about collecting honey.  It could be done but only with a bee suite and smoking them to calm them and you still don't want them in an area that you are going to be using.  So, if you should ever have a pesky bee hive nearby and need some help in getting rid of it..........don't call me!  I hope I don't have to do this again.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our Bearded Dragon Lizards

This is an introduction to the other pets in our family, our bearded dragon lizards.  Their names are Beardie (the male):

and Lizzy (the female):

We have had them for about 7 years now, since they were babies.  Both were bought from a pet store about 6 months apart.  I had earlier pictures but they got lost when my computer crashed but this is them now in their home: 
Lizzy & Beardie
I have actually been very surprised about how attached one can become to lizards-I mean, really? a lizard?  Who knew.....

They were bought for the boys but I became attached to them when I almost killed (yes, killed) the female, Lizzy.  That's why she looks so frail and skinny.  She got out of her cage one day and because they are very social beings, she followed up behind me y and I didn't know it.  I stepped back, bare footed and stepped right on top of her head and shoulders-hard!  It made me fall down completely and when I turned to see what I had stepped on I saw Lizzy, leaning side ways and bleeding.  How she survived I'll never know but when it looked like she wasn't going to die right away I picked her up and moved her to her cage expecting her to be dead soon.  I know I punctured her lung because for a week only one side of her rib cage would expand when she breathed.  I also damaged the entire right side of her neck and shoulders.  She did not die.  Somehow she made it but it took her weeks to mend and during those weeks she had to be fed with a syringe and not moved for fear of worsening the punctured lung.  She never did regain 100 percent and she has always looked kind of peeked and frail since then but the experience bonded us in a way I would never have dreamed.  She will actually paw at the side of the cage to be picked up when she sees me now.

About a year after her 'near death' experience, she laid a clutch of eggs, much to everyone's surprise!  I didn't know the signs and the next thing we knew she was popping out 15 little eggs in the cage!  I was in no way prepared for this and after researching I discovered that they will continue to lay clutches of eggs about every 4-6 weeks for a period of time from one fertilization so I attempted to put together an incubator.  This did not work very well however and over the course of the next few weeks she laid two more clutches and I was not able to bring any of them to full term.  I am told it is very difficult to do even in the best of circumstances.  But we did get a picture of one clutch:

This is a video we tried to take while she was laying her last clutch.  You can't see her actually laying them but you can see the little cave like place she made to lay them in.  Lizzy Laying Eggs

These bearded dragons are interesting creatures.  The males have an interesting head bobbing thing that they do to show dominance and during mating season and the females have an interesting arm waving thing that they do to show submission.  The male can be very rough with the female at times and very protective at other times.  They are social and tend to like to 'stack' on top of one another.  The male doesn't like being fooled with as much as the female does and Lizzy likes baths where as Beardie does not.  Here is a video of Lizzy playing in the water.  

They eat fruits and vegetables and crickets and meal-worms among other things.  They need a warm, dry location, about 78-88 degrees which is accomplished with a heat lamp and they need a UV lamp as well.  It is a little difficult to learn at first but once you get it down and the initial set up going it's not too bad.

These bearded dragons are much better pets than say an iguana or a savanna monitor, both of which we have owned in the past.  They are better because they just practically don't bite, they don't whip you with their tail or try to hurt you in any way and they actually do like to be held once they are used to it..  They inflate their 'beards' for protection which is where they get their name from.  They are also active so they can be fun for entertainment.

Update 2012:

We lost lizzy.  As I said, she never did recover from her injury well and while she lived another 6 years or so she was always frail.  So she just started looking weaker and weaker and stopped eating and pooping and was really sick for about three days and then she died as we knew she was going to.  So I guess we had her for about 10 years.  I was sad to see her go.  We buried her properly in the back yard.  This leaves only Beardie now who is alone.  It has been just the two of them for so long I wonder how he will do.  R.I.P. Lizzy.

Update 2013:

Still have Beardie.  He's still alone but doing OK.  He is more sociable with us than he was before but he looks kind of lonely to me.  I really don't want to get another one but I'd like to find him a companion as Beardies are social but physically he looks good.



This is Meagan, my youngest.  She is the only girl out of four, 12 years old and in the 7th grade.  She is smart, taking all pre-ap classes.  She is in the junior high advanced band and plays the flute.  She is an animal lover and has always said she was going to be a veterinarian when she grows up and I believe she will.  She has a puppy and his name is Andi and he, like Jack before him is her constant companion.  She takes good care of her pets giving them lots of love, food, baths and good training.  She recently got her first horse, Terra, whom she is learning how to ride.  She, like the rest of my kids is also very independently minded.  She makes friends but prefers to stay close to home most of the time.  I call her my 'little velcro' because she does everything with me which suits me just fine.


This is Jacob, my third child.  His smile says it all doesn't it?  He is pretty easy going most of the time, pleasant and helpful and doesn't let things get him down - as long as you feed him that is.  When he's hungry he becomes grumpy and obstinate. it's about the only time.  He is 16 years old and in the 10th grade and will be getting his driver's license soon.  He, like the other two boys, is protective of his family and would walk through fire for them.  He'd also give you, a complete stranger, the shirt off of his back if you asked for it.  That's just the way he is.  He played football for about 4 years.  His last team went to the super bowl and won.  He also plays the viola.  He makes friends easily but is mostly independently minded and lives by his own code of ethics which are pretty good.


This is Travis, my second oldest.  He came into the world in a hurry, 45 minutes from start to finish.  I barely made it to the hospital in time.  He is 18 years old now and taking college classes to become an EMT but his ultimate goal is to join the military.  The marines in particular.  He went a little off course awhile back when he was 14-16 years old and just about made me crazy but then he voluntarily joined a military academy called Texas Challenge Academy which was very tough but it helped him catch up and get back on track.  He is very strong willed and when he sets his mind to something he stays the course.  He got his first job when he was 17, worked every day and saved up enough money to get his first car with no help from anyone else which is how he wanted it.  He likes his independence.  


This is Dena.  She is 22 years old, my son's fiance and my daughter-in-law.  They met online about 7 years ago.  She, living in Virginia and he in Texas.  They were a perfect pair from the start and I am so glad to have her as a part of our family.  She fits in so nicely.  She works at PETCO.  She is very artistic.  She can design web pages, draw pictures and takes pictures as well.  I tell her she needs to go pro with her camera.  She is also a diabetic which we discovered when she was 19 years old when we found her unresponsive on the bathroom floor and she spent a week in ICU.  She now takes insulin shots at least three times a day.  She is smart, funny and has a most unusual smile.  But don't let her blood sugar get too high because then she becomes a bear!  It's one of the ways we know.  


This is Kyle, my oldest.  He's 28 years old now.  Born July 10, 1983.  He is funny, smart and mister protector of the family.  I just dare anyone to cross any of us.  They will have unleashed the wrath of Kyle!  He is always there when I need him and very loyal to those he loves.  While he doesn't like to be around a lot of people he tends to make friends for life and has had the same group of friends,  some since birth.  He is a whiz at working on computers and can fix problems that arise or he can build one from scratch for you if you need it.  He works at a machine shop where they build all kinds of metal equipment using high powered machinery.  He and his fiance Dena have been together for about 7 years now.  They met online, she lived in Virginia at the time and they are a perfect match for each other.  

Monday, August 29, 2011


So, Travis is all set to start school Tuesday evening.  I think it will be exciting.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sunday night Aug. 28, 2011

Going out to the barn to feed the horses I discovered Bonnie looking sad and maybe stunned?,  blood dripping and drying from a fresh head wound.  Don't know what she did but it looks bad.  Laid her forehead wide open.  Really needs stitches but vets are closed this hour of night.  Meagan and I attempted to clean it and take a better look at it but it only looked worse when we could really see it.  Of course, she doesn't want anyone near it so doctoring her was difficult.  Called my good friend Carl for some assistance and he was good enough to come out at eleven o'clock at night.  He successfully cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and sprayed an antibiotic medication called Vetericyn into it.  This was not done without much resistance from Bonnie (I stood outside the stall while he wrestled her down ) and some damage to the barn wall that separates two stalls.  But the task was done.  Not enough I'm afraid as I think she needs more than we can give here.  Tomorrow I will call Dr. Jenkins, our local veterinarian whom I have not met yet but I hear good things about him and have seen his clinic which is nice.  Jeeze, she looks bad.  Don't know how she did it but I think she was either running from Terra or running from these idiots doing target practice with guns next door, and banged her head on the top of the barn.  Poor baby :(      Warning, the following picture is a little gory.

This is after we cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and sprayed an antibiotic  ointment on it.

UPDATE:  Monday Morning Aug. 29, 2011

So, today Bonnie still looks just as pitiful as yesterday.  I called Dr. Jenkins' office who said they could see her at 2:30 today.  I don't have a trailer so I have to rely on someone else to help me get her there.  Isn't there a deadline for sutures for horses like there are for people?  Dr. Jenkins' said he could probably still suture her.  I sure don't have the money for this.  Then I decided to call Kris Anderson, the vet who came out to Bobby and Joellyn's place and did the coggins test on the horses.   She has a mobile service.  She also had me email her a picture of the injury.  She said she'd be out here at 7:30PM.    Hope that goes well.  Waiting for 7:30.

Also, I did find out where she hit her head.  It's a 2x4 that runs down the roof of the barn and is at the entrance to Terra's stall.  She was probably running full force, scared of something knowing her, and hit it head on.  I wouldn't be surprised if it knocked her down or knocked her out completely.  Glad I didn't see that happen,  I would have freaked out!

UPDATE:  Monday evening Aug. 29, 2011

The vet came out as promised at 7:30 last night.  It took about an hour and a half to treat her.  She was heavily sedated.  I thought she was going to fall over but she didn't although her head must weigh 50 pounds by itself as I noticed while trying to hold it up for her.  Poor thing, she really did a good number on it.  In the end, we couldn't stitch it completely as she had a good sized indention in the middle of it that needs to drain so we cleaned it up, removed the hair around it, sutured the edge and pulled the flap down over it leaving the bottom to drain.  She also got several injections, two for sedation (one was not holding her), one antibiotic, one anti-inflammatory/pain med and a tetanus shot.  Then the vet sprayed this silver stuff on top of it to keep the flies off of it and we braided the rest of her mane around it to keep her hair out of it.  She was so drugged she could hardly walk back into her stall but she's all fixed up now.  From here, we follow up with twice a day antibiotics orally and twice a day anti-inflammatory/pain med.  We clean it if we can but I can assure you she's not letting anybody near it, probably for the rest of her life!  This is what it looks like:

Me holding her head which, I found out, is quite heavy!

Notice the stitches on the right side.

Kris Anderson, DVM preparing to give her one of her many injections.  Notice how Bonnie's legs are splayed out.  She's barely standing here.

The final product.  That silver stuff will keep the flies away.

She was able to eat and drink after about an hour and she looked like she had been through hell, which she had.  I felt so, so, sorry for her.  She needed lots of love after all of that.

The bill was $187.00 for the whole thing including the medication she left here for me to give her.  I paid her $100.00 and will pay the rest when I can.  Not too bad really, but money I sure did not have to spend.